I tend to have very vivid, and to put it mildly, thematically unusual dreams once in a while. I don't particularly believe anything about dreams, I consider them something like a garbage collector of the subconscious, but... oh man, the kind of garbage you find there.
I had a mildly alarming experience: around dawn, I suddenly woke up sniffing, tearing up, and - this one was the telltale sign that it's not just an allergy - a heavy feeling in my chest. Most people would call this crying. The odd part was that I had absolutely zero actual emotional affect, rather, I was perplexed over why my body is reacting that way. It was as if my physical body is aware of something that my conscious mind is not, and the latter is purely confused. A cursory search online mentions things about this being an actual phenomenon, often caused by... unprocessed trauma? Getting to the point where you shut down conscious processing to protect yourself? I mean, I did have some quite stressful experiences recently, and I was repressing a lot of that, but I wouldn't have expected processing it by making my eyes leak out of nowhere, while simultaneously feeling literally nothing.
An old man is fixing a motorbike. He's overjoyed when he finally manages to repair it. I suggest he take it for a test ride. Excited, he takes it out to the mountains. He crashes on a turn and rolls down the mountainside. When I look down, I see a huge pile of crashed cars in the valley. Curiously, a younger man crawls out of the debris, holding a keyboard. Soon after, a bear emerges from the same place. I leave.
I'm at the doctor's office for an MRI. Afterwards, she pulls me aside to discuss the results. She tells me they found an anomaly in my brain that likely explains why I struggle to perceive other people's intentions. She tries to tell me something else, but I can't hear it over the cacophony of noise from other people. I ask her to repeat it louder, but it's as if something is intentionally censoring what she's saying.
Another weird dream. I'm in my primary school during an active shooter drill. I'm not American, nor have I ever been there. People around me don't have guns. I don't even play shooting games, yet this isn't my first dream about people wanting to shoot me. I think I'm being affected by international headlines online.
Anyway, I decide to use my old strategy for escaping bullies and find the most obscure places to hide. While exploring utility rooms, I discover there are far more than there should be in real life. Some have deep holes, glowing blue objects, or black monolithic cubes in them. Suddenly, a guy with a blaring, beepy siren enters... and I just stand there, conveniently hidden behind one of the monoliths. There's also a professor nonchalantly lecturing about Java in the background; I recognize the slides from my university. I ask him what's going on, and he says he's my Java lecturer who remembers me from his class. Oh, and apparently the beepy guy is supposed to be the shooter. ...Okay? At least make him scarier, or more recognizable.
Had a weird dream. My sister apparently needed help with her biology homework. She's 10 and doesn't even have biology classes yet. So, my brilliant idea was to get someone's half-decomposed brain in a plastic food container (no idea where I got it from) and nonchalantly conduct an extensive dissection on the living room table (which was quite difficult given the level of decomposition). My sister was surprisingly unfazed by the whole ordeal.
Meanwhile, I thought I should pay some final respects to the person who unwittingly donated their brain to science. Afterwards, we took the remains out in a wooden box (environmentally friendly!) and buried it somewhere in a forest. We planted a tree as a memorial.